The Himalayan Valley Nepal Company is established in Nepal in 2018 AD, situated in the capital city of Kathmandu, with a broad perspective of nation-building by helping to eradicate the problem of unemployment. We are registered under the laws of the Government of Nepal and trying to focus on exploring employment offers from foreign countries that will fit the Nepalese people.
We have been equipped with very energetic and highly experienced professionals to accomplish our business. We recruit unskilled, semi-skilled, skilled and professional manpower throughout the world undergoing several selection processes as per the requirement of our valued foreign employers. We do not compromise on the quality of service which has helped us establish ourselves as one of the best foreign recruiting agencies in Nepal.

Message From Chairman
Dear Clients,
Welcome to Himalayan Valley Nepal Company which is rendering service in the field of manpower recruitment to the global market. Initially, we should like to express our sincerest gratitude to our valued clients, our business associates, and to all well- wishers alike and hereby reiterate our commitment to quality for years to come. This is because we know that only through quality in our work deliveries will we be able to see our future in the brightest spectrum of colors, without your support however this will be very difficult to achieve.
Workforce Categories We Provide